
25 Mag 2023 15:45

In-situ measurements from Dome C, Antarctica

Aula Epsilon 1, edificio EPSILON - Campus Scientifico via Torino (e Zoom)

Speaker: Inés Ollivier, University of Bergen (Norway)

In-situ measurements from Dome C, Antarctica: insights on the formation of the water isotope climate signal at the surface of the ice sheet

Stable water isotope records from Antarctic ice cores allow the reconstruction of past climate variability. Within the ice matrix, the water isotopes are traditionally used as a proxy for past local temperatures based on the observed correlation between the local atmospheric temperature and the snow surface d18O across spatial transects in Antarctica. However, recent studies have shown that processes taking place at the surface of the ice sheet could modify the snow isotopic composition between precipitation events. In-situ measurements provide observational constrains of these post-depositional processes and improve the understanding of the archival of water stable isotopes in the snow and ice at the surface of the Antarctic Ice Sheet.

The talk will also be available via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 873 9960 3225
Passcode: 3DvV55

Bio Sketch:
I am a PhD student at the University of Bergen in Norway, and part of the European ITN network DEEPICE. I also work in collaboration with the LSCE in Paris and Università Ca Foscari. I graduated from the University of Grenoble in France with a master degree in atmospheric and climate sciences, after which I did a winterover as a research technician at Dome C, in Antarctica. I started my PhD in 2021 which focuses on the atmopshere-snow interface and exchange processes in the Dome C region to understand how the water stable isotopes are archived in the snow, in the context of ice core interpretation.


L'evento si terrà in inglese


PhD in Polar Sciences

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